Our company specializes in the analysis of celestial bodies using laser spectroscopy and spectrometry and hyperspectral imaging. Our primary product is the ISRA payload "In-Situ Resource Analyser" enabling in-situ elemental analysis of regolith (Moon, Mars). This project won the Start-Up Support Program competition organized by ESRIC, ESA and LSA. Other expertise that we use in the development of payloads for LEO satellites is the design of optical and optomechanical components, as well as the development of electronics.
Competences and capabilities
In-Situ Resource Utilisation - by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) approach Spectroscopy - optical emission spectroscopy Lasers - laser development Optics and Optomechanics - design and completation of optics and optomechanics devices. Electronics - design of space-grade electronics.
Major Space Projects & References
In-Situ Resource Analyser - Start-Up Support Program organized by ESRIC, ESA and LSA. The aim of the project is to start the development of the laser spectroscopy payload. SLAVIA - design of optics for spectroscopic monitoring from orbit. TROLL - space mission for demonstration of using a special laser in space conditions.
Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates
Vacuum chamber for analyzing elements in space conditions.