Betrian Group helps with standardization against vendor lock-in. Using Open source software and making special hardware units brings new technologies into the railway market in order to make trains safer and shift people and cargo from roads to the rails wherever suitable.
- NavCom
- NavTrain
Competences and capabilities
We use Egnos and Galileo (including RTK) for very precise navigation of trains - our vision is to build and certify positioning system for every train condition like tunnels, underground stations etc. Special goal is to develop a secondary safety system, so called RCAS - Railway Collision Avoidance System. More details about our RCAS system can be found on
While the RCAS system is a vision, our flagship NavCom is already in regular use by rail carriers in its first versions. We would like to develop this early bird together with ESA to the certified status mentioned before in this article. If this happens - there will be a solid base for the certified positioning system for the next generation European Train Control System.
Major Space Projects & References
NavCom is a location system capable of reliably detecting real-time position of the train with centimeter level accuracy. GNSS location data are converged in NavCom with data from gyroscopes and accelerometers included in the NavCom unit. Therefore, NavCom is capable of determining the exact position of the train also in tunnels. There are two production lines of NavCom. NavCom intended for fixed installation on the roof of the train. And NavCom X a small portable unit that is part of the driver's equipment.
NavTrain - train driver's passive assistant installed on drivers' tablets. NavTrain provides track conditions data and time schedule data related to the train location determined by the Galileo module in the tablet.
Betrian Group also takes part in the digital transformation in the world of electron microscopes, serving worldwide leaders.
Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates