National Space Strategy
National space plan
The government of the Czech Republic approved on 14th OCT 2019 a new National Space Plan for the period of 2020 – 2025, which builds on the government’s effort to support the development of the space industry and excellence in science. The Ministry of Transport wants to support further growth of the space industry through a new space plan so that Czech companies can supply more complex components of satellites and launchers, such as whole instruments or satellite platforms. We also want to focus on supporting innovation, education in technical subjects, technology transfer, promoting promising ideas and their marketing and closer cooperation between universities and industry.
More information on the National Space Plan 2020 – 2025 can be found here.
National programmes and activities

More information on the national programmes and activities can be found here.
Coordination council for space activties

The Government of the Czech Republic in April 2011 entrusted the Ministry of Transport (MD) with the role of a coordinator of all space activities in the Czech Republic. MD established the Coordination Council for Space Activities which consists of high-level representatives of the MD, Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MŠMT), Ministry of the Environment (MŽP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MZV), Ministry of Defence (MO) and Office of Government of the Czech Republic (ÚV ČR).
More information on the Coordination council can be found here.